
4 Tips to Improve your Cannabis Resume Article

Landing your dream job in the cannabis industry often starts with a well-crafted resume. For prospective job seekers, it’s critical to take the time to customize your resume for the cannabis industry and the specific role you are applying for.

To understand how best to navigate the job market in the cannabis industry, here are four tips to help you improve your resume. 

1. A Passion for the Product

Whether you choose to work in cannabis production, marketing, sales, or even quality assurance, employers are looking for someone who is enthusiastic and passionate about the field and the market. To be successful in the cannabis industry, you need to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the cannabis plant and its consumers as well as what is going on in the industry as a whole.

Although demonstrating a passion for cannabis is important for a number of different roles in the cannabis industry, it’s particularly critical when working in cannabis retail and sales.  You will need to communicate your knowledge, excitement and experience with a particular product or brand. This will allow customers to develop trust with you and the products you are recommending. 

Showcasing your knowledge of the product specificities and a wider understanding of the cannabis market will convey your passion for the industry to potential employers. Twitter, podcasts, newsletters and articles are all great resources to help you stay informed on the industry.

2. Knowledge of Trends and Regulations in the Cannabis Industry in Canada

The cannabis industry is evolving at a rapid pace and it’s considered one of the most heavily regulated industries in the world. As a relatively new industry, the regulations that govern cannabis sales and distribution are continually under review and evolving. It’s your responsibility as an industry professional to keep up with the laws surrounding the cannabis industry in Canada, and to ensure your work is always in compliance with them. Paying attention to any legislative changes will not only protect yourself and the business you are working for from serious penalties but will also demonstrate your level of commitment to the work and demonstrate your knowledge of the industry as a whole.  If you’re able to demonstrate an awareness of industry rules and regulations, employers will likely perceive you as a reliable and considerate worker.

3. Professional Summary

As a new industry, you want your resume to look as modern as possible. A professional summary is starting to replace objective statements as the preferred way to provide an overview of your career background and goals. Think of this as a quick synopsis of your experience that highlights the key roles you have worked in, accomplishments working on various projects and the technical areas of knowledge that you excel in.


The goal is to entice the employer to continue reading the rest of your resume and is therefore is a critical component of a well-structured resume.

4. Formal Cannabis Training & Education

Education continues to be one of the most important components of the cannabis industry. Holding a relevant certification or degree can help you stand out to employers as someone with the right interest, discipline, and knowledge for a career in the cannabis industry. Not only will you acquire an in-depth understanding of various techniques, practices and regulations, but completing formal training will demonstrate your passion in the field and thar you are committed to the industry.

Cannabis jobs can be very competitive so giving yourself an edge by obtaining formal training and education can really help in making you stand out. These courses are taught by industry professionals that have a wealth of industry knowledge to share with you.


Skills that can be developed through cannabis training include:

  • Developing Standard Operating Procedures
  • Developing a Quality Management System
  • Using HPLC and conducting analytical testing
  • Owning and operating a cannabis retail store
  • Utilizing seed-to-sale tracking software
  • Understanding licensing and compliance requirements for the production and distribution of cannabis
  • Conducting supercritical CO2 cannabis extraction

With the relevant certification, graduates may find employment opportunities as quality assurance associates, store managers, brand ambassadors, laboratory technicians, and much more.




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