
3 Exciting Career Paths in the Cannabis Industry

The career potential in the cannabis industry has grown exponentially since Bill C-45 was introduced in 2017. At each stage of cannabis production – from extraction and cultivation to packaging and sales – there is a need for skilled professionals that have a comprehensive understanding of best-practices in the industry. Cannabis education remains an integral component to helping individuals positions in production facilities, testing laboratories, cannabis retail stores, and more. In addition, there are constant opportunities for job advancements after getting experience in the field. Let’s look at some of the top career paths in the cannabis industry and the best way to get started

Here’s a quick guide to the opportunities that currently await!

1. Cultivation Technician

The production side of the cannabis industry remains an integral component and is really the starting point for the cannabis industry. In this role, you’re responsible for guiding practices to produce a potent and healthy cannabis product.  Working in the cultivation department allows you to work directly with the plants

  • Propagation and cloning 
  • Transplanting
  • Pest control and IPM
  • Seed-to-sale tracking and reporting
  • Destruction

Those pursuing cannabis careers in this field will benefit from a strong understanding of botany and horticultural practices that produce high yields and mitigate pests and contaminants. Additionally, candidates should know the optimal conditions for cannabis growth, the lifecycle of the cannabis plant and have a clear understanding of Standard Operating Procedures. Students looking to increase their knowledge in cannabis cultivation will gain a detailed overview of indoor and outdoor cultivation techniques related to the production of high-quality cannabis within the cannabis market. These relate to equipment and lighting, pest and disease control, temperature and humidity, and nutrient regimens. 

2. Quality Assurance 

As an evolving industry, cannabis production and processing is subject to a number of rules and regulations. Navigating compliance in the industry is one of the most important practices for a cannabis business to invest in. Students in cannabis industry training will develop a comprehensive understanding of the current regulations surrounding the production and distribution of cannabis. This knowledge can be applied to a career as a cannabis quality assurance technician to help ensure that all cannabis products meet health and safety standards, including the Health Canada testing requirements. In this role, you’ll be responsible for:

  • Reviewing batch records
  • Conducting internal compliance audits
  • Reviewing SOPs
  • Delivering and documenting training of employees 

Critical to this role is staying up to date on the latest changes in regulations and compliance requirements.

3. Retail Store Manager

Those with a business mindset and aptitude for customer service can apply their knowledge to a career in cannabis retail stores. When managing a cannabis retail store, you’ll oversee all retail operations. Whether you have a flair for customer service or an interest in marketing strategy and social media, retail managers will find a rewarding career in connecting customers to the products they need. 

Additionally, you’ll be in charge of hiring and training new staff to ensure that the retail business remains compliant with regulations as well as ordering product and creating the in-store menu. In this role, communication and leadership skills are essential for ensuring all business operations run smoothly. With the right approach, retail managers can lead their cannabis business into a successful future in a fast-paced market. 



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